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2017-04-18  点击:[]


22、Guangshe Zhao, Guoqi Li, Changyun Wen, Feng Yang. On the Convergence of Iterative Identification of Hammerstein Systems, Systems & Control Letters, 929-935(11), 2011

23、Guoqi Li, Guangshe Zhao, Feng Yang. Towards the online learning with Kernels in classification and regression. Evolving Systems,11-19(11),  2012            

24、BC Ding. Comments on “Constrained Infinite-Horizon Model Predictive Control for Fuzzy-Discrete-Time Systems”. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 19(3) , 2011.

25、BC Ding. Stabilization of Takagi-Sugeno model via nonparallel distributed compensation law. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 18(1), 2010.

26、BC Ding, LH Xie, WJ Cai. Distributed model predictive control for constrained linear systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 20(11) , 2010.

27、 BC Ding, B Huang, FW Xu. Dynamic output feedback robust model predictive control. International Journal of Systems Science, 42(10), 2011.

28、BC Ding. Improving the asymptotically necessary and sufficient conditions for stability of fuzzy control. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 161(21), 2010.

29、BC Ding. Robust model predictive control for multiple time delay systems with polytopic uncertainty description. International Journal of Control, 83(9), 2010.

30、 BC Ding. Properties of parameter-dependent open-loop MPC for uncertain systems with polytopic description. Asian Journal of Control, 12(1), 2010.

31、BC Ding. Distributed Robust MPC for Constrained Systems with Polytopic Description. Asian Journal of Control, 13(1), 2011.

32、胡怀中、王勇、蔡远利,Advantages of the Enhanced Opposite Direction Searching Algorithm for Computing the Centroid of an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set, Asian Journal of Control[J], 14(5), 2012.

33、胡怀中、高明军、张鸿,A new algorithm for computing the fuzzy weighted average,IEICE Electronics Express[J],2010.


35、胡怀中, 杨清宇,蔡远利, "An opposite direction searching algorithm for calculating the t ype-1 ordered weighted average", Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 52, pp:176-180, Nov. 2013.         

36、QY Yang, J Yang, W Yu, D An, N Zhang, W Zhao. On False Data Injection Attacks Against Power System State Estimation: Modeling and Countermeasures[J]. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(3), 2014.

37、QY Yang, D An, YL Cai. A Novel Evolution Kalman Filter Algorithm for Short-Term Climate Prediction[J]. Asian Journal of Control, 2014.

38、QY Yang, D Zhang, J Zhuang, FW Sun, J Wang. Fault Diagnosis Method Using Support Vector Machine with Improved Complex System Genetic Algorithm[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 15(3), 2013.

39、QY Yang, LG Chang, W Yu. On False Data Injection Attacks against Kalman Filtering in Power System Dynamic State Estimation[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2013.

40、QY Yang, D An. EMD and Wavelet Transform based Fault Diagnosis for Wind Turbine Gear Box[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2013.




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