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2017-04-18  点击:[]



1、 WQ Tang, YL Cai. Predictive functional control-based missile autopilot design[J]. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 35(6), 2012.

2、 Q Zhi, YL Cai. On the energy management steering maneuver for thrust vector controlled interceptors[J]. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 35(7), 2012.

3、 L Xu, YL Cai. Imaging deviation through non-uniform flow fields around high-speed flying vehicles [J]. Optik, 123, 2012.

4、支强, 蔡远利. 动能杀伤器侧窗定向机制分析及建模[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 46(1) , 2012.

5、 支强, 蔡远利. 基于非线性干扰观测器的KKV气动力/直接力复合控制器的设计[J]. 控制与决策, 27(4) , 2012.

6、L Xu, YL Cai. Influence of altitude on aero-optic imaging deviation [J]. Applied Optics, 50(18) , 2011.

7、 XY Xu, YL Cai. Optimal guidance law and control of impact angle for the Kinetic Kill Vehicle[J]. Journal of Aerospace Engineering. UK, 225(9), 2011.

8、 XY Xu, YL Cai. On-off attitude control using pulse-width pulse-frequency modulated input shaper[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems, 2011.

9、 XY Xu, YL Cai. Pulse-width pulse-frequency based optimal controller design for kinetic kill vehicle attitude tracking control[J]. Applied mathematics, 2(5) , 2011.

10、WQ Tang, YL Cai. High-order sliding mode control design based on adaptive terminal sliding mode [J]. Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2011.

11、ZH Yu, XA Fu, YL Cai, Vuran, MC. A Reliable Energy-Efficient Multi-Level Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Fuzzy Petri Nets, SENSORS, 11(3), 2011.





16、J Mu; YL Cai; Zhang, Jun Min; Square root cubature particle filter,  Advanced Research on Information Science, Automation and Material System, vol. 219-220, 2011.

17、Zhao-Xu Yang, Guang-She Zhao, Hai-Jun Rong, Adaptive backstepping control for magnetic bearing system via feedforward networks with random hidden nodes, Neurocomputing,109-120(174), 2016

18、 Hai-Jun Rong, Sai Han, Guang-She Zhao,Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Aircraft Wing-Rock Motion,Applied Soft Computing,181-193(14), 2014

19、Hai-Jun Rong,Ya-Xin Jia, Guang-She Zhao, Aircraft Recognition using Modular Extreme Learning Machine, Neurocomputing, 166-174(128), 2014

20、Hai-Jun Rong, Guang-She Zhao, Direct adaptive neural control of nonlinear systems with extreme learning machine, Neural Computing and Applications, 573-586(22), 2013

21、Hai-Jun Rong, S.Suresh, Guang-She Zhao, Stable indirect adaptive neural controller for a class of nonlinear system, 2582-2590(74), 2011




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